The Lim Family Ancestry is a website dedicated to documenting the lineage of the Lim Family of the Taishan area of China and those who immigrated to Detroit, Michigan.
It lists the ancestors, descendants and relatives of two specific members: Yot Lim and Elayne Lim. Yot Lim was born in the small village of Tin Sum and was able to list his ancestors going back four generations. His wife, Elayne, of the Wu Yen family, was born in the small village of Hoiping and was able to list her ancestors going back two generations.
The information listed here is available to all relatives and friends of the Lim Family. If you're a family member, please peruse this site and let us know of any corrections or members we forgot to list. To do that, we ask that you use the contact form on this site.
The information on this site has been documented as a series of web pages, Acrobat PDFs, digital images, and Excel spreadsheets. Feel free to download these files and enter the information in other ancestral sites or your own ancestral tree. Add the names to your own lists or diagrams or journals or albums. Spreading this information across as many different forms of media, devices and platforms, digital or analog, typed or handwritten, is the best way we can think of to extend and preserve its life.